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How Personal Responsibility Empowers You to Reach Your Goals #PODCAST



Today I’m revisiting a post from a few months ago because I finally made a podcast out of it so you can listen while you work (or just sit and listen to absorb some good vibes and smart talk).

Listen now to find out how taking personal responsibility increases your self reliance and resourcefulness, and empowers you to actually finally accomplish your goals and turn your dreams to reality.

If you keep blaming your circumstances or your past or other people on your current situation, you’re never going to get what you want out of life. If you take responsibility, then that empowers you to make changes that are necessary to get you to move forward toward your goals.


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Thanks for listening. I always love to hear what you have to say. Here’s my thought question for you today:

What are you relying on in life to stay comfortable instead of using your own personal strength and skills to get ahead? What changes are you going to make to empower yourself to reach your goals?

Do you agree that if you take responsibility for your life that you are that much more likely to succeed?

Let me know what you think! Leave a comment below!

Your comments don’t fall on blind eyes. I read each and every one! Thanks for contributing to the discussion :)

Podcast Transcript:

Hey everybody, it’s Lisha Yost, Founder of UpGusto Personal Development, and today I wanted to talk to you about personal responsibility.

There was a man named Peter. And he grew up in a poor family. So he knew he had to work really hard to get ahead. So he got really good grades in school. And he even studied other trades and businesses. And eventually he came to run a successful catering business. What he ended up doing was trying to put a lot of his profits back into his business, in advertising and marketing, and into expanding his business and hiring more employees, and giving them top notch benefits and big bonuses every year.

And although he put a lot of his profits back into his business, he still earned a large sum every year, so obviously he taxes were high. A portion of Peter’s income that he slaved away to generate over years of hard work went to the government to use as they see fit. And of course, some of that goes to welfare.

Welfare was created during the great depression in 1935 when the US unemployment rate was at 20% still. This began the dependence on government aid, and that is really what it has become.

George Bernard Shaw, who is a playwright and cofounder of the London School of Economics says that “A government that robs Peter to pay Paul, can expect the support of Paul. So Paul is definitely going to support the government that robs Peter to pay him.

I’m not saying that people shouldn’t give their fair share. If you have more, then you have more to give. But what I am saying is that the government not only is helping family in their time of need, but they also enable families to continue to be in a lifelong time of need.

So these families that are on welfare know that they will always have the government to lean on in their times of need. If they can’t get ahead, it’s okay because they don’t really need to. And so they don’t get ahead. It’s not because they don’t really want to. It’s because it’s really hard. It takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of effort, it takes hard work. It takes patience and sacrifice. And it’s not easy, so most people think that they can’t do it, and not only that, but most people know they don’t have to. So living in poverty has become the status quo for them. It’s become comfortable. And it seems weird and ironic that struggling financially can become comfortable, but that’s what it is. It’s like the woman who stays in the abusive relationship. It’s familiar. It’s harmful, but it’s familiar.

So what harmful things do you keep doing, just because it’s familiar?

People like to complain about their lives and they don’t want to take responsibility, but everyone has the same hope for succeeding whether it be financially, relationally, physically, or spiritually. It’s just that successful people take different steps, and they take different actions, and they make different choices.

What do you want to become successful in? What does success mean to you? Are you going to do what it takes to get there. Are you going to work hard. Are you going to buckle down and get the hard work done? Are you willing to make sacrifices in order to live a better more fulfilling life? Then stop living the status quo, start believing in yourself and start doing what it takes to get to where you want in life.

Do you want to want to lose 20 lbs? Do you want to have a thriving marriage full of passion? Do you want to become a millionaire? Or maybe you want to start a non-profit that helps those that are less fortunate.

What do you want to do with your life?

If you keep blaming your circumstances or your past or other people on your current situation, you’re never going to get what you want out of life. If you take responsibility, then that empowers you to make changes that are necessary to get you to move forward toward your goals.

We’re not in control of everything. But anything that you have control over, then it’s time to take control of it. Start taking personal responsibility for where you are in life right now. And start making the necessary changes to get what you want out of life.

What habits can you change right now, even just a little bit, to get you closer to your goals?

Do it, starting today.

Now I want to hear from you. In a comment below, please answer this question: What are you relying on in life to stay comfortable instead of using your own personal strength and skills to get ahead? What changes are you going to make to empower yourself to reach your goals?

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